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Sam Tahiri

Can you bring back some of the movies that DIDNT win the previous votes?


You should watch the other movies, you didn’t watch like Man of Steel

Jacob Montoya

Best thing is knowing that all will eventually be reacted to


Gotta go with Indy. Nothing beats Harrison Ford in his prime. *hums the Indiana Jones theme*

Maria Riis Valore

C'mon now. Fantastic Beasts now please. I Will wote 100 times for the Magic to Win. I Will donate good Vibes & Magic lol ✨


If you haven’t seen 8 mile you should throw that in a pole


I know it didn’t win last poll but I really hope you watch Man of Steal. A lot of people were commenting to watch that AND interstellar


Indiana Jones tho


Wait... have never seen the Back to the Future trilogy!?! It is a must!


Back to the Future since it just turned 35 years old :)


I mean I love back to the future, but I wish y’all would finish up the Wizarding world and watch the 2 fantastic beasts movies.


Man, the first and the third Indiana Jones films are soooo good!

Silas Kane

I know you wouldn't react to something you already know...and youve said as much in the past. But I'm still having a hard time grasping the idea that you haven't seen some of these yet....lol. But from this list I'd probably start with the Indiana Trilogy.

Robert Reichle

Two of my favorite movies, Indiana Jones and Back to the Future. How can I pick one?


Come on indi

Carlos Estrada

Since you finished the star wars movies in one go AND you're watching clone wars its probably only fair to do the fantastic beasts movies next


Anything other than back to the future such over rated films 😴😴

Jacob Montoya

The voting here....the greatest failure, this is! JK. They’re all good choices, but Raiders of the Lost Ark is a nearly perfect movie. But I will say this...the Back to the Future trilogy is one of the most solid trilogies ever made! As for Fantastic Beasts. They were fine! Just, not on the same level for me as theses other choices.


Hey if you haven't seen it, I would check out the movie Tombstone. It came out in 1993. It's a western, a classic for sure. Love your reactions!


Must be a lot of youngins here..😂😂 how the heck does back to the future lose to fantastic beasts 😫😫 lol

Silas Kane

I will say this....as long as I've been following your content this is probably the hardest and most competitive poll to date. Lol. Basically a 3 way tie. Where's the traditional joke option that never gets any votes like in pretty much every poll that's come before? 🤔


If Indiana doesnt win this poll i will not have anything to watch for a while... that sucks 😂😂😂 please let indy win! I dont get it why fantasic beasts is still here when it lost the poll so many times lmao

Jai Venturoni

Fantastic Beats is horrendous, it literally is ruining the Harry Potter story.


Please vote for bttf or indiana jones bcuz i cant stand with fantastic beats as the winner out of this poll


lol Woo buddy. Close votes! I enjoy them all, but no worries everybody, this won’t be the last poll with these films in them. Especially with such close votes - they’ll get to them all. It’ll be great.

Robert Reichle

Fantastic Beasts is an ok movie. That's all. Just ok. Back to the Future and Indiana Jones are immortal movies that will live forever as classic favorites. Just do all three of these and let the voting determine what order you watch.