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Sam White



Anthony Lucido

This movie was great first and second time once you watch the trilogy all together it’s not the same anymore you’ll see what those people meant

Mara Smith


Mara Smith



I hate having to wait a whole week for the new one but the anticipation grows as I wait


RIP Han deserved better. Killed by his own son...😔


A Info for you Kylo Ren is no Jedi or Sith he is only a force user and what the supreme leader is you must find aut yourself.


This movie is great. Next one I hated except for 1 fight scene near the end (so badass). The last one Episode 9 was great. The problem I think with the fans is that we had so much time between when these new films came out and the old ones that we had very high expectations. We also had so much time to theorize and create our own narrative about what happened after Episode 6 that there was just no way for it would ever live up to it all. Regardless these films are canon and at the end of the day its Star Wars so its still awesome.


This is definitely the best one out of the 3 sequels but it goes downhill from here in my opinion. The reason i don't personally like them is because of the decisions they made on how the storyline and characters progress. Disney made a decent baseline with the story in this movie, but failed to execute it going forward. I'm looking forward to seeing your reactions and hearing your opinion after 9! :)


Lol the fightscene in TLJ sucks ass. So many people being slow and waiting for their cue cause the actors ain't keeping up and are and not fighting realistically


The new ones obviously are the best, visually. I think 7 was fine. Rogue One is the best out of all the new movies IMO. Can't wait for that one.


I believe the people disliked this one so much for the most part is they make rey so OP. She has had 0 training yet can do things that took jedi masters years to learn. Controlling people's minds, summoning things with the force, and Light saber fighting all take years of training yet she can do them without any experience or teaching. And kylo ren has had all that training yet she can beat him no problem? It just didn't really make sense. But overall the movie itself isn't bad

Koala Banana

Everyone loves sharing their opinions about how they don't like the sequel films, but you'll notice they rarely explain why. That's because they didn't understand #8 at all. Hopefully you will.

Koala Banana

That's because strength in the Force doesn't come from training. This isn't Dragon Ball Z or Rocky. The Force is metaphysical, not a muscle. Luke defeated Darth Vader in lightsaber combat and neither Ben nor Yoda taught him any saber combat. Luke also guides the proton torpedoes into the Death Star using the Force. All the training he had up to that point was visualizing a remote for half a minute. Training means bugger-all. Yoda says, "the Force is a powerful ally." He never once claims he himself is powerful. It's a shame Primate didn't listen to me when I said to watch Rogue One because then I could quote Chirrut as well. Anyway, performing amazing feats of the Force is not a matter of training or strength. It has a lot more to do with using one's instincts, destiny, and the Force's will.


Personally, I think TFA and TLJ are decent films (Especially if you don't know anything about legends etc) TROS seems very rushed with a poor script and it's abit of a slap in the face for such a decent build-up. But since you've just started Star Wars I think you'll be happy with all of it.

David Lopez

I really loved this movie, however when it was released it was really criticized for having the same basic plot points as Episode 4. A person on a desert planet joining up with the Rebels/Resistance to try and take down the Emperor/ Supreme Leader. They have Kylo come in literally trying to be the new Vader and that tall ass hologram dude come in and basically be the new emperor. The destruction of the Star Killer Base was the new destruction of the Death Star. Han died being involved in the mission with the new crew just like Obi Wan died going on a mission with the old crew. Regardless if I really loved it I must admit this is basically a remake of that movie and for people it didn’t really feel like a proper sequel.

The Montreal Colombiano

The Sequels to me aren't canon, but I LOVE that you go open minded, maybe you'll like them!


Snoke is not anything, that's the thing with these movies. Nothing matters in them. :) The entire prequel Trilogy at the very least made very good sense, this Disney BS makes no sense.

Agent Jack Stone

I’m glad you enjoyed it man! These films are meant to be fun! I’m in the small small minority that enjoys episode 8 the most of the sequel trilogy so I look forward to what you think. 8 takes the most risks.


Imma tell you why I think the force awakens is meh. First, remember that Disney bought lucasfilm in 2012. I know it’s harsh, but the whole sequel trilogy is based on feminism, and, it’s the truth. I don’t have a problem with a women being a Jedi, not at all. The problem is when that women becomes a Mary Sue. We can clearly see that in The Force Awakens. People who are force sensitive can use the force, but ONLY with the necessary training. For example, Luke trained with obi wan and Yoda. That is how Luke was able to use the force. Who trained Rey? Who taught Rey to perform the Jedi trick on the storm trooper, allowing her to escape? Who taught Rey to resist Ren during interrogation? And the most scandalous thing, how the Fuck does she beat Kylo Ren in a lightsaber duel? Let’s back it up a bit. Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo was Luke’s apprentice. He was trained in the ways of the force and trained in lightsaber combat since he was a little kid. Rey has never used the force or a lightsaber! Some people will say that she was able to beat Ren because he was injured by Chewbacca. The issue with that is that Ren pretty much fucked up finn in the duel, even though he was injured. Please tell me, what is the difference between Finn and Rey in this specific time? Rey might be force sensitive but she does not know how to use the force, or at least she shouldn’t. And still, she beats Ren. The other thing is that if you think about it, this movie is a copy of Star Wars 4, a new hope. Luke lived in a desert planet, so did Rey. Both come from nothing, and become heroes. The Star killer base is basically the Death Star. Kylo Ren is Darth Vader 2.0. The supreme leader snoke is emperor palpatine 2.0. The first order is basically the empire. In A new hope, the Jedi were extinct, so are they in this one. The Force awakens copies A new hope from beginning to end. Why ? Well, obviously for cash grab purposes. There was nothing innovative in this movie. The only dope thing was Finn. Never have we seen before a storm trooper question orders, having a moral code. So, apart from othat, the movie is mediocre.

Koala Banana

How does Luke defeat Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel? Darth Vader is an incredible duelist with tons and tons of training. Who ever trained Luke in lightsaber combat? No one. Qui-Gon and ESB Yoda are the go-to sources about how the Force works. Qui-Gon said "feel, don't think. Use your instincts." He said, "watch me and be mindful." That's exactly what Rey does. She uses her instincts and watches Kylo. Yoda says, "the Force is my ally, and a powerful ally it is." The Force was Rey's ally not Kylo's during Episode 7. Everything in Episode 1 and Episode 5 (non-Disney era) supports Rey using the Force as she does. Anakin used the Force without any training at all. So did Luke back home in beggar's canyon. That's why Luke thought the Death Star run was possible when no one else did. He'd been using the Force his whole life without knowing it. Using it on instinct. How did Rey see "the Island" in her dreams if she weren't already connected with the Force? Rey had been using the Force all her life just like the others. Also, Kylo did beat Rey at first. Literally ragdolled her into a tree and knocked her out. Instant, flawless victory. He only began to lose when Rey remembered to use the Force. She used her instincts, and the Force was her ally. Kylo on the other hand was too worried about having just killed his father, trying to obey Snoke, AND trying to convert Rey. He was not using the Force properly at all. This wasn't a plain sword fight. The one that used the Force better would be the victor and that was Rey. The fundamental problem is you think the correct way of training a Jedi is how the prequel trilogy Order did things, when really Qui-Gon and ESB Yoda had it right. Using your instincts and being mindful of the Force. Not years and years of obedience to a Master and their methods. Understand this and there's no problem with Rey. It's really rich that people clamoured for a film more like the OT for literal *decades* then complain Ep. 7 is too much like ANH. Hilarious. There are actually plenty of differences. Where was the rogue stormtrooper in ANH? Where was stealing a Tie Fighter? Tentacle monster on the falcon? Piecing together a map to a Jedi Master? Exiting hyperspace beneath a planetary shield? Infiltrating the Death Star prior to the attack then narrowly escaping? A darksider pretending to turn to the light to kill his father? You cherry-pick the similarities and completely ignore the differences.


Trust me man, everyone LOVED this movie when it came out too and its definitely one of the most enjoyable. What happened is a lot of people didn't like the direction that the other two took going forward, and so in retrospect started trashing the entire trilogy. But I remember the hype when this came out and almost everyone loved it.

Chandler Petty

The three True reasons why people hated the sequels: (And you’ll see this more and more later on) - anakin was supposed to have destroyed the sith but this kind of canceled that - the originals tell the story, the prequels set up the story, and the sequels are a different story. Only thing that is the same is some characters -the next two movies create a lot of inconsistencies and problems by doing things that go against the established characteristics of the Star Wars universe.

Paul Pinto

Do your best to just ignore some of the toxic posts on this trilogy you may find. The Force Awakens is one of the better Star Wars films, I’m glad you seemed to think so too. The Last Jedi for my money is the second greatest Star Wars film after Empire for several thematic reasons, among some of the most gorgeous filmmaking and performances the series has seen in a long time. The Rise Of Skywalker is IMO a couple steps down from those two, but still largely enjoyable. Keep being positive. Star Wars tends to attract the trolls like no other franchise. Keep in mind, these are critically acclaimed movies (TROS aside) that most people liked. The negative voice, largely from the internet, is just very loud. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_episode_vii_the_force_awakens https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_the_last_jedi

Tony Tenser

Having enjoyed your reactions to the other trilogies, i was especially keen to see your reactions to the sequels and I'm really glad you kept an open mind and enjoyed the first one. Some of the hate this trilogy gets from people truly reaches the rank of the absurd and I'm really glad you like Rey because her character gets so much dislike it truly gets grating. I really like her myself. The last sequel is my second favourite Star Wars movie next to the original 1977 movie and I'm really looking forward to seeing how you find that one. I really don't get why it got the critical savaging it did. Anyway, as others have said keep positive- anybody who enjoys the sequels is a real breath of air in this fandom.

Sabrina Sibosado

I’m so keen to see how you react to these movies! I think this 7 and 9 are the best out of the latest trilogy, that’s just my opinion. I think the cohesiveness of the stories/writing is the main problem many people had with them. I understand and see why they get so much hate but they are still a great watch! Enjoy man, can’t wait to see the next one


Look nobody is asking you to hate these movies, but I am interested to hear your opinion on how they compare with how the original trilogy made you feel.


Dude, don’t let anyone change your opinions. I personally love the sequels for what they are and I can’t wait to see you react to the last 2 ❤️


Im glad you enjoyed it. I really feel you'll enjoy Episode 9 if you enjoyed this one. A lot of people will tell you how to react to these movies or critique characters but honestly just ignore their opinions. The sequels are canon at the end of the day and is 1/3 of the whole saga. Cant wait to see your reaction to The Last Jedi. Whilst I didnt mind TLJ, it definitely divided fans but nevertheless its shot very well with some great moments at times.


TFA: A New Hope Remake, enjoyable for what it is, but not a great movie. The Last Jedi: an abomination of everything that is Star Wars. TRoS: completely negated 1-6 in their entirety. It's just sad for us EU fans because they already had the sequel stories written in books but Disney discarded them for identitarian politics and feminist propaganda.


(no spoilers fyi) Also some people will tell you that the sequel movies either ruins Anakin's legacy or sets up a new story, which isn't true and is simply a very negative outlook on the sequels. These new characters are very much an integral part of the skywalker story but people can't accept evolving stories or let go of the past. however, there are a few inconsistencies but that's pretty much in every Star Wars movie (e.g Leia and Luke kissing lmao)


I’m so happy you love this movie! The next one is one of my all time favorite Star Wars films. It gets a lot of hate but has some amazing story telling.