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deathly hallows pt 1 full.mp4


Hazel Angus

6 Horcruxes, the 7th piece of soul is the one inside Voldemort. 7 is thought to be a particularly magical number, that's why Voldemort wanted his soul split into 7. Hogwarts never used to be mandatory - children could be homeschooled. Not sure if British wizards could also choose to send their kids to schools abroad. But Voldemort's puppet ministry made it mandatory for fullbloods and halfbloods in order to control everyone. Umbridge had a lot to do with sending Muggleborns to Azkaban. She enjoyed it. Vile woman. Rowling used the Nazis as inspiration on that - according to their twisted ideology, a single Jewish grandparent was enough to 'pollute' the blood. I suspect that had the regime continued, they'd have eventually started going after halfbloods too. As it was they didn't really trust them - too much Muggle blood. Did you notice Umbridge's cat Patronus while she was interrogating that poor woman in the ministry, Mary Cattermole? She cast it to protect her from the dementors. That's another sign of just how warped she is. It's not normal to be able to produce a fully corporeal Patronous that just hangs out chilling, so close to that many dementors. She was so happy there that she had no trouble at all.

Hazel Angus

Ah, and Umbridge was never a Death Eater. She'd be comfortable with whoever gave her power and she had a lot in common with them in terms of their blood views. That's why they let her stay on and even promoted her to Senior Undersecretary - because they could see just how useful she could be to them. Everything she did, she did for everybody else's own good, because it's a leader's job to make tough decisions, and because the ministry couldn't be bad because it was the ministry. Ministry equals good. She justified all her actions to herself. She would not have claimed to support Voldemort and she saw herself as being a force for good. Snatchers who abducted Harry and Co., they're not Death Eaters either, just work for them to catch Muggleborns, political enemies and anyone else the ministry tells them to. They took them to Malfoy Manor because they thought they might have caught Harry. However, you don't bother the Dark Lord about somebody who 'might' be someone unless you want to end up a revolting wet smear on the ceiling. You also don't want to just take them to the ministry with the other captives - if you had Harry in your possession and didn't notify anybody, you'd probably also end your days as a wet smear on the ceiling. They were in a very dangerous position, had to be sure and they knew Draco was there, he's the one who has seen Harry the most out of all of them.