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Hey everyone! 

I think this episode is the one you've been waiting for the most. Unfortunately, I couldn't fit in all the characters you've created.  Even so, I hope you enjoy the episode.

I've tried to make it as faithful as possible to your description, but please understand that sometimes there may be some misinterpretations, or even silly mistakes. Well, I did it with love at least.

For those of you who managed to take part, comment on what you thought of your character here! I'll be happy to read all your comments.

And for those of you who didn't manage to take part, don't be so sad, there will be other opportunities! 

Episode attached to the post!

thank you for following Don't look at the Sky! 

If you see any grammatical mistakes feel free to let me know!




I Love it!! It's even better than I pictured in my head!!! 💜💜💜


Noooo ! Dont touch pinky !!!