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Hi everyone, I hope you're well!

This Sunday I'm working on the next episode of Don't look at the Sky! And I realized that this episode has a lot of extras.

So I had this idea: What if I made my supporters' characters extras? 

I'll tell you in advance that it's going to take a bit more work and that I won't be able to do everyone's character (if there are a lot of characters).

You can leave your character description in the comments and I'll do my best to create your characters faithfully and place them in the background of the webtoon.

Help with the description: 


Type of hair: Example (curly, long, coily)

Skin color:


Type of clothing: (Simplify to "masculine" or "feminine")

Facial expression: 

Note: All the extras are the same height and weight. It is not necessary to describe eye color.  Supporters with more than 3 months of support WILL HAVE priority, but that doesn't mean that supporters with less time won't be able to participate.

This post will remain open for comments until tomorrow at the same time.

I hope it will be a nice experience between us, try to be creative!

Thank you for supporting Don't look at the Sky! 




The comments are officially closed, I'm sorry for those who can't participate. There will be other chances to participate and interact! Thank you to everyone who took part.


Gender : male Type of hair : viking side cut, brown with light grey Ethnicity : baguette Accessory : nothing Type of clothing : well, like wangari recently XD but blue shirt. Facial expression : tired but smiling