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Hey everyone! Are you ready for Wangari in these clothes? 😈

Well, I've been bringing you news, I've recently started the process of looking for an assistant for Webtoon. But it's been a lot of failed attempts that haven't made the work go any faster, but rather longer. 

I'd like to hire someone who already likes the comic because it would be much easier than having to explain everything haha. 

Sorry for the delay with the next chapter, know that I'm doing my best! Thanks for supporting me! 



Saberina Young

I’m also interested in this position, would like some information about what I might be doing


i’d love to help however i can !🤍


As I said above, the aim is to send one of the phases of my work to the assistant. That phase would be the flat colors. The assistant will take the lineart and make the colors.