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Hello everyone! I hope you are well!

I can hardly believe that it is almost the end of the year again. It seems like yesterday that I posted the first episode of Don't look at the sky! Haha, time goes by fast, and I admit it's hard to look back and not feel emotional, at the same time, I'm feeling a little bad for not reaching my goal for the plot this year.

Anyway, this was a very important year for a webtoon full of mystery, fantasy, and romance. I'm very happy to start this month hitting my goal of 100 patrons! This means a lot to me, and I thank you all. (❁´◡`❁)

To celebrate this, I'll be developing the next chapters of Helena's Fetish: The Boss!

Thank you so much to all of you who supported and believed in me and in Don't look at the Sky!


Chaz H

Now that the election is over I hope you are feeling less anxious and more like you can breathe again.


I would say I am much calmer now, I was getting upset because there was this absurd pressure on me to take a stand