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Hey, everyone!

Welcome to October. The month of monstrosities!

I apologize for not talking to you earlier, but I have explanations.

  • 1 - This year in my country they are electing a new president and this is a bit complicated and stressful for me. I don't usually talk about politics, but it was a stressful time.
  • 2 - I recently move out! Yes, that is a GREAT thing! Now I can focus on producing new content for you, with more quality.

In my old house, I lived with a lot of people, and it was hard to always have someone constantly getting in the way when I was in the middle of producing the script or something.

The change is exceptional! And I'm managing very well.

I started the webtoon a little over a year ago, and I think it's amazing to have people who really like the webtoon, commenting and supporting in every way.

Your support means a lot to me, without you, I wouldn't be able to continue producing the webtoon, let alone accomplish many things I have accomplished so far. Like, for example, buying a display that I always wanted to work on.

I am very grateful for all this, and I am always studying more and trying to be the most efficient for you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support and affection! ❤


Chaz H

I'm glad to hear that you've found a more comfortable place to live. I respect your decision to refrain from discussing politics. I do wish, however, that you would have Helena explain to Wangari what it is she's cooking. I've noticed many of the webtoons out of Asia make a point of discussing favorite dishes and drinks. It's a fun way to learn a little bit about the culture and lifestyle of another country's citizens. I'll wrap by saying that you're a hard working and very professional artist. I think you are going to do well. You have a right to be proud of yourself.


Thank you very much for your support and I will definitely consider your suggestion, sometimes I focus so much on the main story that I end up removing the socializing and learning episodes of the two of them. This is very important and also helps to bring the characters closer together. I appreciate the suggestion, and thank you for, "you're a hard working and very professional artist. I think you are going to do well. You have a right to be proud of yourself." made me very happy. <3