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Here is the final episode of the introduction to Don't look at the Sky; 

Next week it will be one year since I launched DLATS on the webtoon, and I feel very happy to do so.


This arc is more complex than the first, so I should take longer to make the episodes or break them into smaller parts.

I am studying storytelling, storyboard, and scene composition.

I feel I left all my individual baggage in the first 10 episodes and focused more on making the webtoon look like famous manhwas and manga.

At first, I planned to make everything look like it was something unique and had my identity as an artist, but I hadn't built an identity at that point, so I was experimenting with everything in that first stage of the webtoon. Now I feel that my art is more solid, and I can go to the next level. (Although the journey of self-knowledge is not over.)

This episode was made on my new display, and I admit it makes me tired more than the old one.




Omg, the panel with all of the characters together gave me chills!! So exciting!


I am glad you liked it, and I am also excited to start this arc! <3