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Hey, everyone!

I have good news!

With your support I was able to buy a new display tablet, I always wanted to buy one, but never could. My tablet was giving some problems, so it was time to change it (I've had it for 5 years now).

My display hasn't arrived yet, but I'm super excited!

Without your support, I couldn't even be doing the comic or buying this new device, so you have my gratitude forever! (╥﹏╥)

I have never used a display, they say the experience becomes more realistic which can be bad and good for my adaptation, but this will not interfere with production, the DLATS episodes will be posted normally.

To celebrate this, I was thinking of doing an illustrated Q&A episode.

So ask a lot.

Any questions that are here in the comments, I will add them in the episode.


Chaz H

I just want to say that I'm genuinely happy for you. And I hope that your new device will help you to grow even more as an Artist.


Why did you choose the element fire for Wangari and not other?