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Hey everyone!

I'm glad to have so many new members here. I hope you enjoy the content that is already available and the upcoming ones.


  • It is planned that the next DLATS episode can be posted by the 21st, I will do my best to get it posted before then.
  • The new painting method I was testing worked very well. It makes the webtoon look good, and I can do it quickly. (Faster than ever, I would say, but I don't know if I should congratulate myself for my efforts or if everything is possible because of this new method).
  • I am planning a new episode of Helena's Fetish series, and I am also working on new character concepts as we enter the first arc of the story: The Human Arc.

 YEEEY Finally! 

Thanks again for the support and love. 

And for new members, don't be shy about any content available here, I love to interact.