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Hey everyone! I hope you're well, this episode came out a bit late, that's because I wanted to sketch a lot of frames at once, it was a total of 124 panels and 3 whole episodes.

I was very happy with all the comments on the last episode! I can't wait to release it on the webtoon!

Thanks for your patience!


If you see any grammatical mistakes feel free to let me know!

Thank you for being patient, I'm going through some difficult times in my family.

Thank you for following Don't look at the Sky




"please, kill me but stop devouring me with your gaze" XD


Eh, Kinda felt like she wanted to do nothing with him. Hopefully, that'll stay so. ha


I'd like to see a Half and Half female haha. Can't get enough of beautiful ladies, strong ladies etc... Megan probably always on the look out for women. Hah (headcanoning, Megan inb4 starts lifting for women.)