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"Ted" REACTION - Buffy 2x11 Commentary (Early Access YouTube)


Magda - RedundantHuman

Is nice reading above that people do appreciate this episode. It’s been such a hotly debated episode over the years. Said to be on the bad list heap of episodes. I still remember the day I watched this on tv as it aired the first time. I was near 12yrs and was gutted to know Buffy was going through this. Who’s going to believe her? Even if not arrested, how will she live with herself? Waiting for the commercial breaks to end with bated breath. Ted Turing out to be a robot didn’t take it away for me. I found small comfort in the outcome, as an audience member I still lived it and had to process it. 🍿🎭


“It’s not called ‘Buffy & Ted.’” Now there’s a fanfic I never thought I’d start writing in my head. “Quoi.” This episode brings out the Frenchman in us all. Death by PAN.


It's so wild finding out which ones are considered bad or good, I would've sworn this was on the good pile simply for the shock factor and deep themes 😂