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The Good Place | Season 2 EPISODE 4 | Commentary (Early Access)


Phillip Grischa

What I like is that Vicky's torture actually works very well, it would have been easy for the writers to make her incompetent and have the cast all roll their eyes while getting fake tortured, instead they make Vicky competent at her job, despite her acting like she's not taking it that serious she knows the humans and how to push their buttons.


Yeah, I think her being competent makes it more interesting, too. Opens up the door for more interesting plot developments down the line.

Crystal Racklyeft

Absolutely loved your take on this episode! Especially your take on the contrast between Michael & Tahani dealing with these crises with a healthy support system juxtaposed against Eleanor's experiences with her crappy support system. In my opinion, season 2 - especially these early episodes - is really where this show evolves beyond just your typical "funny sitcom" genre and really makes you appreciate the clever writing & incredible acting. Even the "be nicer to yourself" comment from Jason, is so beautifully perfect - such an important message, delivered in such a simple way by Jason of all people, who has been essentially put on the sidelines by all of them (and the audience) as the dumb, himbo, clueless character.