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The Truth Behind Twilight's Lasting Legacy


Veronica Daye West

Love watching your reactions! I loved the Twilight books… a unique spin on Romeo and Juliet where there’s a happy ending after they die… my biggest complaint about the movies was Stewart’s inability to play a ‘weak’ person… I think this is more of a poor director situation as she was AMAZING in ‘Panic Room’… I think her ‘glitter’ w the vampires is to visually represent them being diamond hard… instead of making them look bedazzled, they could have gone w veins ‘glimmering’ through the skin if the sun hit them right… like a vein of gold or silver going through rock… Have you read her manuscript from Edward’s point of view? Off topic… LOVE your ‘Star Trek’ shirt and hope you continue with Buffy when you can!


Thank you! I haven't read the manuscript. I know she was writing it and was going to publish Edward's perspective and she didn't in the end, I didn't realise it was available to read 👀

Veronica Daye West

It was leaked and so she put it out on the internet for free… https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Sun-Stephenie-Meyer/dp/031670704X