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Hey folks, I hope you're all having an awesome Friday. I'd meant to post this a while ago but I've been ill with covid this week and been out of action for a little.

After finishing the Godfather Part II I started re-thinking how I wanted to do things over here and came to the conclusion that it might work all round better if I switch the form a little. I have a few reasons for doing this which I might just make a video about later on or include it somewhere in another video down the line.

So what does that mean? Basically, my plan would be to have informal, podcasty type chats between me and my partner about whatever film or tv we've consumed lately (new releases and such). I think this would allow me to get more content out for you guys that was more personal, less youtubey, and touches on what I think is a strength of my content on YT, that being the chatty parts where I pause and have a talk about what I'm watching. This doesn't mean the full commentaries would end, but I'd aim to make the bulk content podcasty with some full commentaries thrown in there.

I hope it goes without saying but I'll say it any way just in case. I'm very humbled and grateful for the support I receive over here and would hold it against no one if this change impacted whether you wanted to carry on with your support. I love you all the same for being here at any point and I implore you to do whatever is best for you.

These plans have been a little stymied as I'd intended to go see the new Thor on Monday and put something on here but alas...coveed.

Thanks for reading, thanks for being here and, as always, thank you so much for your continued support <3



Oof, covid - glad you're ok! I think trying new things is something that a content creator has to or even should do every now and then, especially if they are 'new'. Can't figure out what works for you and the audience without experimentation. I myself feel a little bit hesitant about this change, but still looking forward to it. Plus "meeting" your partner will (at the very least) be interesting, hearing you bounce off of each other in a conversation etc.


Thank you for chiming in! Yeah, that's fair. I'll see how it goes. I keep saying podcasty because I'm not creating a podcast, it will just be me and my partner chatting. Also thought about doing some out of theatre reactions to films I've just watched. Stuff that's basically more informal that I can put over here. Once I've started doing that stuff I'll put a poll up and just see how things are hitting with people. Thanks again for the input :)