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Hey folks! So if you've watched the Saw V version on here you'll know there's a point where somehow the commentary gets de-synced by 5 seconds. I thought this was something I did as I was cutting. It TURNS OUT (and I realised this just now as I was editing the YT version), it was because like a dumb I played the film, realised I wasn't recording the film for YT and I paused and redid my countdown for the start of the Patreon video WITHOUT turning back the film itself to 00:00:00.

This is where later in the video I lose the 5 seconds. I'm so sorry about this. If you haven't already watched the Patreon version feel free to start the film at 5 seconds and there should be no issue (and ignore the subsequent correction I make later in the vid). I think at some point I may try and come back to this vid and correct this if possible.

Again, I'm very sorry about this, the syncing up is so important in a video like this, and I'm going to put checks in place running forward to avoid this kind of thing in future.

Tyler x


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