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Better Call Saul "Something Stupid" 4x7 - Commentary (Early Access)



Yesss we're finally here!! For whatever reason, this episode (along with the next one, I always pair the two together) is when BCS really burrowed itself into my brain and I went from liking it to really being obsessed with it lol. I think it was when I realized just how invested I am in Kim and Jimmy, both separately and together. I really enjoyed hearing your theory on Kim's fate too! That was always the biggest mystery for me while watching (she's my favorite character so I was very concerned about it lol). Makes the show a bit painful to watch when you love Kim AND love Kim and Jimmy together while knowing that it's most likely doomed. The question of what happens to her/them hangs over every scene and really gives the show a tragic quality.


It feels as if we're passing into the twilight end of the show almost. I know obviously there are a couple more seasons, but it's becoming somewhat bleak in certain ways. Not in a bad way, in a way that means we're closing so much more on Saul.


Next episode, better call saul takes off. Get your seatbelt ready