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Hello everyone, supporters new and old! Thank you for allowing me to do what I love doing most for another year. None of this would be possible without you.

2022 Has been a big year of growth for me, and I look forward to applying lessons hard learned in 2023. I'd like to apologize for December being a little meager in content. I had planned for plenty more, but the past week and some change has been very intense, between illness and big life changes. Unfortunately I'm now out of time, as I will be traveling to see me family tomorrow, and won't be back until just before New Years Eve. It's my hope that you will still find the December content we were able to pump out was worthwile~

So, until we meet again in 2023, I wish you all Happy Holidays, and a Prosperous New Year!~ Take care everyone <3



Happy holidays and happy new years Biku! Hope you have a good time!


Happy holidays Biku! Hope you have a great start of the new year! 🥳