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Hello everyone, and sorry for the short notice on this but unfortunately it can't be helped.

Later today I'll be shutting down my Patreon page for at least the rest of the year. Multiple personal health and economical factors play into this but the gist of things is that I have too much on my hands right now. I hope you understand.

You can still follow whatever artwork I do over at tumblr, and I will continue doing commissions but in a more irregular pace. There may be another Patreon endeavour in the far future, but it would most likely feature very different rewards.

Lastly, I'd like to thank all of you for supporting me during these months, it's really helped me a lot, and I appreciate it greatly. These months would not have been the same without you.

See you later.




I'll always follow your endeavors Biku. And I'll be ready to support your patreon again should you ever read open it.


Well that's a shame. It's been fun while I've been here. Keep the Patreon open as a tip jar though. No sense in shutting up the entire thing just because you don't want to carry on doing the same thing. Perhaps prevent charges being taken this month, but certainly leave it open for anyone who genuinely wants to keep on supporting you no matter what...


I would agree with aabsurdity. But whatever your decision, i wish you the best of luck with whatever issues you are having.