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Hello everyone! Thank you for your continued support.

December has now been properly processed, and as such, I've updated the wallet sheet with all of your token totals.

If you have any token art requests for December, feel free to hit me up through messages here on Patreon, or through discord.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Have a good evening o/


Patreon Tokens

Sheet1 Patreon Username, Worker Tokens, Honey Tokens, W-Tokens in circulation, H-Tokens in circulation, Total work hours in circulation aabsurdity, 0, 1, 26, 27, 45. 67 Amano, 0, 1 Ashi, 0, 2 Bob Walden, 2, 0 Dalith, 0, 4 Devon, 3, 0 direcat, 0, 3 FoolyMagooly, 1, 0 Gadrick Knight, 0, ...


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