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Hello everyone! First of all, thank you for your continued support! And rewards from October are still on the way (there's only a handful left now).

I'll get straight to the point.

Recently, the admins of Patreon sent out messages to creators, notifying us of a "clarification" of their ToS. You may already be familiar with this, but basically it was a restriction on certain genres of adult content. With these news, and my backlog of work, I decided to take November off and put Patreon on pause - but this also gave me some time to think. Here's what I've come up with.


The Honey tier, as you know it, is going away. It's a change I'm somewhat ambivalent about, but ultimately I think it's the right choice for me. The work you've given me has been fun and interesting, but has over time shifted to become exactly what I didn't intend for it to be - another commission venue. I'm removing requests from my rewards in an effort to make this Patreon page more focused on my solo ventures. I realize the requests were the primary draw for most people, and I fully understand if this is a dealbreaker for you. If that's the case, I recommend you lower or cancel your pledge, and commission me privately.

Not strictly paywalling, just a little bit. From now on, Patreon-driven content will be timed exclusives (1 week in advance from other platforms). This reward is likely to land at the 5$ tier. If I do any truly exclusive content in the future (such as comics, image sets or similar, to be sold separately), I'll probably re-instate a higher pledge tier for access to wips of said projects, as well as access to the final products without having to buy them as stand-alone.

Loose but productive. I'm getting rid of "weekly" polls and any notion of similar timed events. My logic behind this is that by freeing up what I do on here, and when I do it, allows me to be more spontaneous with my production ideas. I still want to involve you in the process, but it will likely be in more frequent, shorter notice intervals.

That's all I can think of for now. I'll be revamping my Patreon page to reflect the changes described above over the coming couple of weeks. I recommend you all to stay tuned, and reconsider your pledge amounts. If there's any more changes coming, you'll be the first to know.

If you've been charged this month! Let me know. The page is on pause, as I am essentially on a hiatus, but there appears to be some sort of glitch where new patrons get charged regardless. If this is the case for you, let me know, and I'll issue a refund.

Finally, I'd like to say that I realize you may cancel your pledge in the light of these coming changes, and if that's the case, I'd just like to say thank you for your support. It's because of you I can keep doing what I do. And to the rest of you who decides to stay along for the ride - extra thanks to you! Look forward to what future content is in store.



It was a good run Big Boss