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Hello everyone! First off I'd like to say thank you for your continued support, and thank you for your patience with this month's content. Sorry it's been scarce so far, but it's been a hectic couple of weeks.

Due to a recent "clarification" of Patreon's ToS, sent out to us creators by Patreon, I've decided Patreon may not be the platform for me, at least not in the way I'm currently using it. I'll be tacking a step back, pausing my page for November, so no one gets charged.

The content promised for this month will still go up as promised. I'm not sure if I'll be able to post here after the page has been paused, but I'll be uploading all pics on my other galleries as usual. If you'd like source file copies for your sketch requests and stuff, feel free to reach out on Discord (Bikupan#6416), Tumblr or Twitter (TheBikupan) and I'll try to get that sorted.

We've had a good run, and your support has let me do what I love with great freedom while still paying the bills every month. This is definitely not the last you've seen from me, and my Patreon may make a comeback in the future with some switches in content and focus.

Thank you. I'll see ya around.



Norman A. Letterman

You don't need to abandon it per say, only leave the skeleton of it. jLullaby for example has deleted most posts, and moved all the image sharing on his Discord server. The patreon still works insofar as payments go out but for no dangerous content posted.


I'm not even here for the, uh, troublesome content, so I'm game to stick around whatever happens. You do whatever works best for ya, Biku.


I'll most likely be back in the future, but with some reworks to my page as a whole. It's not changes I'm comfortable with making overnight (seeing as the month shift is upon us), so I'm putting Patreon on hold for now at least, to mull things over.


Sure. I don't have any problem with any of your content —especially not if it's content being produced under the "supporting the artist to do more of their own work" banner— but whether it simply goes away, or whether it just goes and hides, I just wanted to say I'm still here and happy to support you whichever direction things go, y'know?