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Hello everyone! First off, let me thank you for you continued support - and to the new faces, welcome!

As you may have noticed, I've yet to upload the results of last week's poll. Let me get you up to speed as to why.

My partner applied to an art school earlier this year, and was accepted. Since then, it's been a scramble to try to find a suitable apartment for us to move there. The school's 200 miles north of where we currently live, so attending viewings and such have not been an easy stroll.

However! this last weekend, we managed to get a contract, just in the nick of time as her semester starts this coming Monday. Needless to say, this is gonna be a busy week, and once we get there, we won't have access to internet until 31st as the earliest.

Until then, I'm gonna try to get as much work in as I can, but there will be no poll for this week, or the next. If possible, I try to get some goodies done offline and share once we have internet up and running. Sketch requests are still happening, but there's likely to be some delays.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience! Rest assured I'll have my art station up and running asap.

If I don't see you before Saturday, I wish you a good rest of August! Have a good one o/


Norman A. Letterman

Sounds quite busy indeed. Good luck with all of it, man, hope it works out well.


Good luck, man. Hope it goes well.


Good luck, Biku. Hope everything turns out great for both of you.


It's definitely on short notice but pretty much all the important stuff is already dealt with. Just the box moving part left and hoping to god that our internet provider pulls through on their guarantee.


Thank you! I'm sure it will. It's hectic and on short notice, but we're a resourceful bunch.