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> **Daily Update 20th October**

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> **Market Situation**

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I love to see other traders failing with some weird Gold investments they made. I told you to relax and see the market drop more each day… 

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You cant just press repeat and get the same market trends every week, that’s not how it works! 

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I think we will see this downtrend on the market until Wednesday, cant imagine any bigger rise + more SBCs should come. 

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I will keep an eye on the Scream cards, but as you many noticed, they aren’t rebounding right now. Its just no worth the struggle to find a good card to flip. 

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> **Club Stock**

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83s, 84s, 85s, 86s are all a good pick up right now! These prices are back down and I like to get one of each card for my club and safe for later use! 

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I see cards like Telles hitting 4k which is stupid low! 

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Other cards worth mentioning: 

Any 83 under 1.5k

Good 84s under 3k like De Vrij, Arthur, Javi Martinez… 

Any 85 under 6.5k, a bit higher on the good link cards like Koke, Saul, Giménez…

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I made my club stock and sitting on them now.

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Im sure that these can drop even lower without any SBC and more packs etc, but I cant imagine much more of a drop on them. Getting 85s for close 6k is just stupid low…

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I also don’t like going higher than 85, I rather go by rarer positions like LB, RB, CB and winger. 

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> **SBC related sniping/bidding/flipping**

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These smaller SBCs are a dream. You can make 200k a day from literally everything around them!

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I know it’s some low budget stuff, but considering the market right now, this seems like a good option. 

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I went on the market and mass bid on some Mexican CBs for 500 coins, left the house and sold all for 1.2k in the train. Made like 30k while being outside and going to the uni. 

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Stuff like that keeps your coins active and rotating.

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Other trading methods are working too! I looked a bit around on the Icon market, doesn’t seem to be that profitable right now… Golds aren’t an option for me, Screams are still dipping. 

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You can try some tech avion, position change, chem style trading etc, just make sure to get out quicker than usual and maybe take smaller profits. 

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