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Hi. It's mid-March and it's about time to discuss the upcoming update.

  • Upcoming update?

You can find most information about the upcoming update here.

  • Release dates?

24 March: Alpha version, it contains only the prologue of the game (Only for Patrons). Mid-April: Full game + Family Voyage event (First for Patrons, later public release).

  • Why does it take so long to release this update?

Well, it's not just a regular update, it's a rework of the whole game, and down below I'm gonna prove it to you.

After releasing the Christmas Special, my plans were to start working on the 0.4.3 update. But as I begin my work, I have noticed that a lot of things in the game are either outdated or redundant. Examples are :

  • The old Relationship system is too simple and predictable. Also, it's repetitive.
  • Dating events are not interesting at all, besides the first date.
  • Too much boring grinding.
  • Sex scenes should be more interactive and less boring.

After rethink everything I decided to rework the whole game, right from the scratch. Now let me show you a few things which I have been working on all this time...

  • The plot

My game has a weak plot, it's not a secret. This problem needs to be fixed, and I did it. I have fully rewritten the story. Don't worry, there are not going to be any radical changes, only improvements. I learned harsh lessons from the Christmas Special, so I won't be making the same mistakes once again. I have thought twice before making any changes to the plot. I really don't want to spoiler for you what the new story is about, but here are some details... MC now is a more complex character with his own flaws, traits, backstory, and what's most important he now has a more specific and interesting goal. Alice will be playing a major role in the story. Now she is not just a bonus character whom you can unlock through the code, no, she is one of the lead characters.

  • Relationship system

One of the most important changes will be coming to the Relationship system. As I started making global improvements to my game I noticed just how repetitive and outdated the current Relationship system is. I decided to rework it, update it to a whole new level, make earning the points more interesting and rewarding.

  • Lots of locations have been redesigned + added new ones.

MC's room has been completely redesigned. Now it's looking more like a boy's room and filled with a lot of interesting items. Current new improvements have been made:

  • Menu buttons are now replaced by image buttons.
  • Dynamic environment (Day/Night).
  • Animated background (Sunlight reflection, the rustle of tree branches, etc).

What do you think about its new design? Share your options in the comments!

  • Idle animated poses + reworked GUI from the scratch.

All idle poses are now animated. What I mean here is that when you talk to Elena in her classroom, for example, her idle pose now will be animated. 

  • Introducing new characters

It's been a long time since I have introduced new characters to my game. Please, welcome new faces :

1) Pristine Hills High School Principal Pauline Oxmird.

2) The 23rd President of Paradia Republic Amanda Kingston.

3) Lorelei Power aka "Black Royale". A movie actress, the childhood hero of MC.

4) Zahari Power. The son of Lorelei Power. He lives with his mother in Pristine Hills.

5) Kolya Bonito aka "Nico Casanova", an old man with a criminal past lives alone in isolation in far north Pristine Hills.

6) Andy Oznov. A 25-year-old boy works as a car mechanic at Andy's car service.

It's not all, the rest new characters I can't show you due to... spoilers.

I know it's been a long time since the last update, but trust me, it is worth waiting.

- Waifston




Hello! I would like to shout out with you :) What do you think about it?


Hello! Sorry, but right now I'm not interested in cross-promotion.