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*Reminder! None of the screenshots represent the final look! Work still going on!*

Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you more information about the upcoming 0.4.3 update! I gave it a special codename: Premium Edition! Sounds cool doesn't'?

You may ask, what's so special about this update? Why you gave it such a title? That's because everything in the upcoming update will be up to the premium standards. Down below I'll explain everything in the details.

What has been reworked...

  • Starting with the most obvious... Animations. No more boring static animations! Now all animations will look more natural!
  • Sex scenes
  • MC slight redesign. Especially his d*ck got a redesign.
  • GUI. Old GUI is outdated and does not fully represent the game's theme. That's why I decided to rework it. Main Menu, Game Menu, Textbox, etc. All have been reworked and redesigned.
  • Diary. Now in the diary, you can find more information about the main characters, such as their full profile, their family photos, etc. Also, MC full profile has been added + updated his lifetime goals list.

What has been improved...

  • More advanced Relationship system. Now to impress the girl which you like you have to know her personal tastes. What does she like? Candies, roses, or maybe perfume? Elena for example loves perfumes, if you'll kindly gift her good French perfume she will be impressed, that's I can guarantee you. But do not gift her candies since she is on diet! Give that box of sweet candies to Kate, she will enjoy eating them :)
  • Dates will be more interesting and interactive. For the date to be successful, you have to work a little bit... Impress your crush, make her laugh with a silly joke, compliment her eyes!
  • More advanced sex. You probably tired of just pressing menu buttons during sex, right? I have a solution! In version 0.4.3 you have more options/interaction during the sex. For example, you can restore your stamina, kiss your partner, let her take lead, etc. More to add, now the outcome of sex may be different, depends on your "performance".
  • Expanded inventory. More items such a sex toys, relics, and gifts are coming in the 0.4.3 update.
  • Sex shop and church shop improvements. In the upcoming update, in order to get some sex toys, you need to have a specific level of the Seducer. If your Seducer lever is... zero, for example, Geneve will not even let you enter her shop. Church shop will be working almost the same, but instead of Seducer, you will need to raise your Karma level. 
  • Android version will be fully playable on all devices without any issues and bugs. I heard from many people that they are facing difficulties with playing my game on Android. I promise that 0.4.3 will be working fine without any bugs.

Well, that's it for now... I can't cover all the new features/improvements which are coming, simply because most of them are still in the early stage of development. But rest assured, since the 0.4.3 update, Unlimited Pleasure will be a far more interesting game to play. All the new changes are made to make the game better. I hope you'll enjoy playing that update once it will available!

Oh! I almost forgot...

  • When are you planning to release Premium Edition (0.4.3)?





how can i get to voyage nr 2?