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In shorter Words ( for this time or the moment ).: Another VERY great/good and very joyous - fine, glamourous, all colorful Graphic Picture ! Truly very amazing ! - Go ahead like this - in this year Elias and you may have earned yourself generally and basically a special personal Achievement Award...at least in the basic Truth ! A very honorable personal merit - for any Artist. IF you then may have a few years in more or less a row like this - "someone" should truly give you an true official special Award for that ! Subsequent personal completing note : (- Seen on this Year alone it will be then more less like one of the very best Art Years in the Artist Life of famous other Artists of the Past to Present - I think every good Artist should have and experience such all good Years - even when it are or may be just great/good Years only on behalf to their Art alone ! - But this is we all live for as well - to have some really great Years - of Joy and great Fortune ! - An important part of happiness in life for everyone! - Not only Artists ! - But for them especially as well ! Maybe we can't expect much more - but we should all be able to expect at least this from our lives ! ) PS.: MEANS - I am yet still very confident for this year regarding your Art and Pictures !

Curtis Schultz

Someone's going to snatch the OC for this one quick.