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the first of the 5 connected steampunk Wonderland covers.

The Layout




PS.: On behalf of this - first - Picture I still can again not really tell - which VERSION - is the true BETTER Version - the Normal or the "all naughty" - Version. Also the FULL DRESS of her and with her looks still very Erotic and most of all fantasyfilled and lovely ! - It is also good that you provide her in the naughty Version with a Black Classic Neckband which is basically or mainly a Baroque Outfit Invention directly aimed to improve the Erotic Appearance of a Women resp. "Lady" ! And such a neckband - often also with an engraved Gem etc. - is still today a kink/horny little Erotic item - for most Women ( not all) - btw... Here you choose to put the Gem on the Full Dress holding the BOLERO like Upper Top of the Dress and provide her with a simple small black neckband on the Naughty Version !!! - Good Idea as well Elias - do not think I do not see those Details ! - LOL !


PS 2.: Due to the revelation of the orignal Reel Layout in basics - there is still something more to say - for the moment I only wanted to say 2 things.: 1. That the Layout is also very good and promising ! 2nd - Good Choice also to put the "ALL EVIL" Female Character in the Middle ! I must confess that I didn't know the name of this Character to my shame perhaps - all I know is that she is a powerful Evil (Black) Magic Witch or something - with very powerful and cruel Black Magic Evil Powers ! - And yeah - of course - also bascially "good looking" but also all Evil Female Characters can be very Erotic - but on behalf of HER ( this Character) it's better not to fall in Love with her - it's the same with the Green Witch or Draculas Daughter ! - LOL....