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Nice work Elias!


WELL - dear Elias - A good Idea on behalf of this Picture ! Mainly because THIS Wonder Women Picture by you is among my approx. 50 MOST favourate - "single" - Graphics I know from you in total between 2012 - 2020 AD !!! - And - maybe a bit suprisingly related to this it is also 1 of the 50 very best Wonder Women Pictures "of all time" I know resp. have seen of all Artists I know (which are very many) - even so I must confess I do not excactly know resp. recall if I have ever seen a Wonder Women Picture from Greg Hildebrandt - what is crossing my mind in this very moment...But anyway it's a good and special "WW" Picture ! - Last not least I wanted to note that I cannot completely tell you or the other Fans WHY I like especially THIS Picture " so good and special" - because - basically ( and only basically) this Picture is a "quite" simple one - compared to other Pictures you made or compared for example with Frank Frazetta's - famous -" Death Dealer" or the very Best Graphics from Chris Achilleos, Vargas and others - lol - ! - BUT I guess it is MAINLY - the "SPECIAL somehow unusual TOUCH" is has especially in total/overall ! I bet you see especially also this Picture in a quite similar ' LIGHT ' and if so - you're right !