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Beautiful as usual!


Like I told you at NYCC, you really draw redheads beautifully.... and brunettes... and blondes...


Sexy redheads are always welcome.


Damn... that's gorgeous! 😍


Love it

Tanoko Triumph

Dang that is one deliciously thick momma ♡.♡!


Very nice/good and real - mainly 1940's - Style Pin-Up and Pin Up Style Pose (basically) in the Style of Personal US - WW2 (Dive)Bomber and Fighter Planes. But apart from the basic 1940's Pin-Up with a modern Girl and normal modern Lingerie + Garter&Stockings - the VERY BEST SUBJECT is her Figure - !! - Because obviously you portraited her here a fictional Girl/Women Character with a special BUT in Reality not too rare Figure ...and that means a Girl(Women) with a quite "normal" slim upper Torso ( upper Body) and a thicker/rubenesque Figure ( and Legs of course) below the Waist Line. IN REALITY their are indeed a lot of Women-Girls with such a Figure and the OTHER Way around - very big rubenesque Upper Torso and quite and often also quite fine/straight slim Legs in comparison to the upper Body occures often in reality. AND YES - from a REAL erotical Standpoint Elias this really erotic - apart from the other main Female Figures - like an all more or less slim Women or an all more or less rubensesque to VERY BIG BBW Women which are - of course - even more common. BUT these "special" erotic Figures - slim upper Body - BBW-rubensesque lower Body/Legs or "big" rubenesque upper Torso/Body and quite slim and fine lower Body&Legs SURE IS an Erotic Special. I personally like these 2 special Body Forms of Women VERY much but I must confess I don't know which of them I like more - I must say I like both approx. the VERY same ! But on behalf of YOU Elias I really would like to suggest to you to portrait special - erotic - Female Figure Shapes in your Graphics as often as possible in between wherever it is possible - that's a great EROTICAL Aspect as well and I know that you can draw also REAL Rubenesque Women ( that are those majorly who have today EU-Size 44-46-48 today) VERY WELL - because generally seen it's more difficult to draw a fine BBW Women ( perhaps also with a Ball Belly) than it is to draw a Slim Female Figure. So take your Chances whenever possible ELIAS - the WIDER your Erotic Artwork is the End - the BETTER it could also be ! - Last not least.: I like also the Green Lingerie and Classic -Medium Green- High Heels Pumps again she is wearing in this Pin-Up - Green and Green&Black also with Grey - is a fine Color Combo also for Lingerie - and - BTW - I like also this special greenish-darkgrey Color of her Stockings in the Picture !