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Stay tuned for the colors




Nice work!


Woo wee! 😍


As much as I enjoy your art, it’s poses like this which bring the characters to life. The “oh no” look on her face, seeing that her panties are snagged and torn is humorous and sexy at the same time. Reminds me of the red devil work where the girl is attempt to clasp her bodice, but her boobs are too big, and there’s a bit frustration on her face.


Dear Elias - It's a very good Drawing and the Lines are excellent - the Perspective is also VERY GOOD - of course ! - The Nature Background, Landscape etc. looks also very nice - again with some Mediterranean Trees in the Background as it seems to me..another REAL GOOD Picture - but only if it is completed and in very good Colors etc....so that it becomes basically a Painting - otherwise it's only a Drawing. Which means I look forward to the completed colored Version ! - I believe mainly on behalf of the very most Picture you have the main Coloring already in your Mind, when you start the Drawing of the Picture - resp. even before the Final Drawing. There must always be a lifelike "living" Picture in your Inner Eyes before doing a Graphic - it's a matter or subject of Imagination. Especially Realistic Art Artists do to a Part "only" one thing, they show us Life and the World as it could be in Reality - if we really want and with a little help of God the Lord ! - They Show us what we do miss in a Real Life which could be much better - but as I said.: "Only if we really want it !" - Film-Makers btw. do often the same. Good Examples maybe Avatar or the Lord of the Rings Movies - is a World like Middle Earth of LOTR thinkable - somewhere in the Universe ??! I think it is... Is there a Force/Forces we refer to as "Magic" thinkable ??! - I think so too - fact seems to be only - real "Magic" on this Planet - at least today - is a real rare item - so it is up to the Artist to show some Magic...