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I really enjoyed doing this cover, I like the color palette I used on it. furthermore, I’m not the kind of artist who does monsters but I like how this came out.




Woah - Elias ! - That's a real great RED SONJA Cover Elias - basically/generally as good as outstanding !!! In my deepest Opinion it is not totally as good as "the first" one of this Year which you posted in here last Month on the 7th May - BUT - other Reviewers may have an other opinion - thinking this one is completely equal or even better than the One in May. Doubtlessly however this even more "Action" appealing Picture is also VERY Classic like the first One and I am sure Robert E. Howard (the Creator of Conan , Red Sonja, Bran Mak Morn etc.) would have LOVED both of these 2 RS Cover Pictures - they are BOTH a Hit and PERHAPS the best 2 Red Sonja Cover Pictures of them all in fact - which you did so far - which doesn't mean of course that earlier Red Sonja Pictures you did had been much lesser good. But this one for example is practically perfect - new Classic. Scene and Pose are perfect - the Gigant COBRA like Snakes (Monsters) look perfect as well - even when you not REALLY like it too much to draw real "Monsters" - like also HR Giger ALIENS ( real Monsters in their own Rights) - it's ALL basically perfect. And you can draw basically everything which I know. - And YES indeed the Colors of this Picture are also incredible - most of all, also the Light and Shades of everything in the Picture is extremely (!) good in general. In this Picture however I wanted to note looks Red Sonja a slight bit more slim than in the one of May in my Opinion - which is completely fine of course and as I believe ONLY or very mainly a matter of the Perspective in this Case as you normally draw no specific Character sometimes more slim and sometimes less slim. In this regard it may also be noted that you can generally also draw rubenesque and even real fat Human Figures - when you want - as some other Artists have problems in doing so ( also and especially when the XXL-Size Figure wears Clothes) - for example when they shall draw a Women with a strong almost perfect Ball Belly etc... - The Colors of this Picture are really very fine - very colorful of course but totally great includes of course the Color Composition and Mix of course with the Fog/Mist and everything - it's sooo great and leaves a JOY for Colors good feeling behind - like in many of your Pictures ! Keep it that way ! - At least very often I mean. Last not least nice - btw - is also Red Sonjas Sword again - as Red Sonja wields a light - straight - single Hand Broadsword - Red Sonja wields in this Picture a historically rare Single Hand - "Oval Blade" - Broadsword - this Type of Broadsword is historcally seen very rare and was mainly used in Mediveal Time in Eastern Europe - like drawn Oval Blade Broadswords have in the upper 2 Thirds of the Blade a elongated Oval Blade which makes the Sword mainly noteable heavier compared to a normal straight Blade - but the Advantage of the Oval Blade was that blow and Impact of the Blade was even more powerful and therefore often refered as "Bonebreaker". And you may also know that for Example the Ancient Greeks used this Blade Form very often - but as a Shortsword of course as the Longsword was mainly an Invention of the "Dark Ages" - the early Mediveal Time. So - a great Picture - Elias ! - The 2nd Best Picture you show in this Month was - btw - the new "How to train your Beast" Picture which is also remarkable good and here - yet again - the Colors and the Color Compostion - especaily the special Red of the Dress and in specific fine contrast with the Royal Blue of the princely Chair Polster Color was a Hit as well , her Hairstyle etc..a VERY lovely Picture for sure too ! - In the End of this Message and Critic I want to note in regard of Halloween this Year - just btw - I think the VERY best may be a special sexy resp. erotic but also scary and "evil - special - Vampyress Picture or a "special" new Lady Death Picture for Halloween.... lol....




Great work, as always Elias.