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Which version you like the most?



Jeff Pender

Wow, this is tough. They’re all fabulous, but I really like her as the vampiress best. Can’t believe I’m choosing over a topless version!


Cool! Thank You!!!


Love it 😍 happy Halloween, Elias!


Incredible! You are The Master! :D


Really great work. Even though I like the sexiness of the tease in artwork and photography, the first one is over the top incredible!


Also a great Picture Elias ! - Also with a "real" Castle Frankenstein - Background etc. ! - Only a small (positive) Critic again today ! - The Picture is really good again - Pose, Background ( also the Balcony-Terace - with some Stone Gargoyles who can only partial seen - but look truly good ! ). What Gargoyles are all about - btw. - remains a Mystery - apart from the quite famous mythic Story and Versions - of "St. Romanus" - Catholic Mediveal Mysticism tell - that they are a Race of Lower dragonlike winged Demons created by Satan himself, as Satan did not possess the Power ( lended to him originally by God himself - when he was created and born through God) to create real High Beings like new Angels resp. new Fallen Angels=real Demons - but Satan has (among other Powers of course ) the Power to create lesser Beings resp. lesser Demons of different kinds - to serve him - one of these are the Gargoyles - basically half a Demon and half just an Demonic Animal. - Apart from that also the Transylvanian Castle which could be Frankensteins or of course a Vampire Castle looks really good too - Colors , Lights and Shading are very to extremely good as well - as usual. The Background Colors are also well choosen in my Opinion. My most beloved Version of the 3 is the Vampir Version and I think it is basically a blessing that you did this 3rd special Version here as well - the main Color Mix in this Picture - of Black, Red and Purple was perhaps the very best idea - just in regard of the Colors and of course mainly on behalf of the Vampire Version.