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Dynamite Entertainment

This is the fourth cover I made for these series, I like the color pallet I used on it.



Farbod Emami

This is a " must have " !


going to need it!


I def like how bright you made the blood, it stands out against the browns and grays of the rocks. Excellent work!


WOW! Amazing work! Bravo!


Just in time for Halloween!


Elias - THIS COVER - ALSO is VERY GOOD to GREAT ! - First of al the Motiv ( in total - including the Motiv Compostion ) is really good and YES - the Color Composition in this in total Brown, Tan/Beige and Redbrown Colors - almost in total here - is basically and generally VERY to totally great ! - In my Opinion due to these Reasons most of all - an amazing Cover Picture ! Very perfect Picture , PS.:Body Anatomy and Shades /Lightning is also VERY good ! Here is could be said.: "What else do you want ??!" - In Case of this Motiv and Subject - "The Sacred Six" - I would reply - "I dunno ( what else) !" - PS II.: Pictures in a direct majorly Brown/Tan Color Composition are rare . even when Brown/Tan Colors are the Colors we do mainly see in real Life ( on Earth) - we are not aware of this fact - as our attention is majorly drawn towards other Colors including Black - with an exception when our attention is directly pushed toward an unusual Brown Sight - for example when a more or less good looking Wo(w)man wears a more or less fine dress respectively Outfit that is made majorly of Clothing Pieces in "Full Brown Tones" - because this is a rare sight and our subconcious notice that....


This one is awesome 👏