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The concept is:

Lady Death in the beach, similar idea to the one I did the previous year.

Which one do you like the most?




3 is awesomeness!


2, i like the legs and hair!


3 please.


Number 1 or maybe 2. 3 feels like it is trying too hard to be sexy/erotic. Bathing suits are already inherently so, so simple, understated poses work better IMO.


I like the sandcastle motif in 3 tho!


#3 YES!!!


1 or 3, my heart swings ^^


No 2


Great work, Elias! All are fantastic! I think 3 is the best imo, nice dynamic pose. It stands out a bit more than the others. Hope you’re doing well brother!


#1 yeeesss


All great but I’d vote for #2. It’s got a sultry feel


I dig 3. I think it centers LD best, forces more interesting art in terms of the angles of limbs, the tilt of the head, etc, and I like the foreground details of the sand castle and the skull. Seems like the most dynamic version

Jay Hampster

i'm a "leg" guy, so i dig #2. always fun to exclaim, "yowzas- look at the gams on that dame!"


Dear Elias - All 3 Layouts are (really) good in my Opinion - I do like Layout No. 1 - the very best - because it is probably the most rare View of all 3 - also in regard to yourself - as you have not made too many Motives with the Women standing in Water in Addition a Pale "haunted" Moon and Water is always great - also on behalf of Brians Lady Death ! - Perhaps you should later draw an unusal Lady Death Picture of Lady Death as a "Hell Amazon" in a sexy and also cruel Armor and with a not too small and not too large "Hellish Shield" - and a gorgeous Hell Landscape Background perhaps. In regard of the other 2 Layouts - I would like to say - Layout 2 maybe in General the Best - but it is perhaps a too common - often seen - Swimsuit Pose... Layout 3 is also great and a real great Pose - but should be made perhaps later with a totally Erotic Outfit perhaps - perhaps with a real Black & Silver coloured normal "Human" full Erotic Outfit with sexy Garters and perhaps dark grey Stockings.

Joe Pacis

1 or 3.