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Jasmine with Rajah






Dear Elias ! - This is a VERY GOOD and in total also really SPECIAL Picture ! - In my Opinion one of the 5-6 VERY BEST Pictures that you posted in the Patreon Group in this Year 2019 AD - so far ! Basically and generally you draw the Tiger really good - BUT his Paws are too large - please tell me and the Ordiance here whether this was/is so intended by you or not ! Would be nice to know !


Risqué version coming?

Farbod Emami

Hi, where is the Nurse? Where is the lady with dinosaur?


Oh Sorry! I thought the rewards. I’ll add them soon :)


1) artistic licence 2) have you ever seen a tiger up close and seen the size of their paws? I was face to face with a tiger a few weeks ago and their paws are pretty large.


Thank you for the Answer Elias and also DP. Yeah I know Elias that you often mix basic Realism with Cartoon Style - this was then also the Case here - and towards DP - well I know that Tiger Paws could be very Large and the Tiger is also the largest Cat of Prey on Earth today also therefore he has the largest Paws - many Peoples think it is the Lion - especially the Male Lion - but it is the Tiger and he has the most dangerous and deadliest Paws for sure of them.


And let’s face it, the tigers paws are not the only thing in this pic where the size has been exaggerated, not that I’m complaining. ;)