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Hello everyone,

I'm uploading exclusive here the four layouts I sent for approval.
Let me know your thoughts, which one is your favorite or which one you believe that Dynamite have chosen.




I'm going to say they chose #1, for no other reason than it's the safe choice.

Jeff Pender

Oh my gosh, this is TOUGH! All four look spectacular. There is something about #1 though, that catches my fancy. I guess it’s her relaxed pose. #2 and #4 are excellent sexy pin up poses, and #3 is the perfect vampiress pose. I think Dynamite went with #4. Personally, I would love to see you do all 4 of these!!!


I love them all, but my favorites are #3 and #4. I think Dynamite will choose #3. :D


I vote for 4. It's actually close to the one JS Campbell had on his website. not sure Dynamite made it a cover tho, but they will probably go with 3.


I have to say that I used one of the “rejected “ layouts for one of my Patreon pinup. ;)


I'd vote for 4


INTERESTING !! - Is it No. 1 or No. 4 ??! - Hard to say !


No Standing Position again ??! - LOL ! I personally think No. 1 is the Best - Throne Chair is always good and cool in my Opinion also Vampis Breasts look best on that ! - LOL. I may like to make the Suggestion as a little special Feature that Vampi may have a bit more than normal long Nails this time and grins or smiles and she looks at them with the right Arm and Hand - but so that the Breast still can be fully seen - everything else - including the basic ellbow position of the right arm - may stay practically the same or almost the same. Anyway just a suggestion. AND - second best in my Opinion is No. 3, third best is no 4 and in my Opinion the dullest is No. 2 . On behalf of No. 4 I would like to say or note - that in my very Opinion we have seen this position still a bit too often - not only from you - but also from some other Artists - even so the Position reminds me a lot at Gil Elvgren in one way or the other and this is even more the case with No. 2 - BUT other Peoples may have another Opinion AND Taste !


Number 1 is an unusual pose for her, yet still very sexy and seductive. Number 3 is next simply because it is wonderfully rare; I haven't seen her in that pose on a cover in decades maybe. Nice change. Numbers 2 and 4, although gorgeous are much more common posses for the Vamp. In any case, as usual incredible work.


Very good comment and opinion from you David ! - I do agree !


Dear Elias - Thanks for the little "Hint-Vid" - Looks to me that I was right with the Vampi Cover - looks to me as if the Chief Editor also thought No. 1 is the Best of the Moment and that they rejected No.4... - maybe they furthermore also thought that No.3 is second best... - but decided to take Layout 1.... Hard choice also for me ! - The main Criterias for a Choice like that are and must be these 2.: 1. Which Picture may be the very best of Choice - which will the People find the most interesting so that they purchase the Comic or with other Words - which Picture may perhaps the most People like the most at THIS present ! - And the 2nd main Critieria of course should be which Layout may be the Best from a pure overall Art View - like for example what Layout may have an Alberto VARGAS choosen in this Case...??!


4 is my favorite but I think they’ll choose 3


All of these are great, and (IMO) indicative of her character, particularly #3 which is my favorite. As for which they chose, I can only guess but I would say #4.


I'd vote for #4


I’m happy that most of you liked the one they chose


I'm confused. Which one did they choose?

Curtis Schultz

Will this be an exclusive somewhere?