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Hey guys, sorry for no content lately, been seriously under the weather and not only that but going through quite a lot. Been talking with my Therapist about friendship and how to get through it all.

I didn't feel much of a bond with many people who claimed to be my friend as most conversations led to nowhere or just a word like they weren't even giving a care in the world in the first place. So after thinking about it I just went and unfriended a lot of people off and has left me in an upset state for quite some time and hopefully start to create a new chapter with people who generally enjoy my company and share memes and such.

I have learnt is to making friends requires effort, maybe not a lot but talking with people, and sharing memes and all sorts does help make a bond, while gifts are a nice thought, I wouldn't want my friendship to JUST be gift-giving, I'd like to at least have a chat...but that's just me I suppose. I am fortunately feeling a little bit better now and hopefully that making content within the next week.

Thank you all for the genuine love and support and hope you all have an amazing weekend, love you all and see you all later <3


Samantha Steele

Finding good friends is a bit tricky Hun, keeping those good friends is where all the work is. Have a good weekend and don't worry about content, your state of well being is more important, always is. Hugs and Kisses Samantha


Really is unfortunately, I just couldn't feel that connection I had with the ones I had previously 😔


Good friends will always be there to support you, and indeed it can be a bit tricky to find. But the ones that do care will always shine through. Plese don't rush yourself and take your time, the content can wait. We want you to be happy and healthy above all else. Your mental health will always be the most important and #1 top priority. I Hope you have a great weekend Vani ❤️❤️