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Okay got some good news, I finally got all the renders done, they seem fine, of course, image 19 will not have AO because of weird shadows on the breast, and no matter how much I change the settings on it, just wasn't working. Now it's time to work on the editing process and add captions in. 

Now does this mean all these are final renders? not exactly, you are allowed to suggest what can be added or removed before it gets released to Twitter and so on. It's an easy process honestly since I have the After Effects file saved so all the editing is saved.

Now why has there been a slow update...well because it's SUMMER, this year has been too much and it's killing me, the Air Conditioners have done squat and I've been sweating and passing out a lot, I'm doing my best to push through this and with SFM crashing quite often when rendering these images haven't helped all too much.

Anyways that's all I have left to say, so it's almost done and hopefully, it's worth it at least. Hear from you all later!


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