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Since the start of April, false accusations of me being an NFT artist has become a bit of a trend, we don't have any information about who started this, I have a feeling who it could be but without any proof, I'm going to lay off, but please don't believe in the butt hurt lies of me being an NFT artist. 

Context to why people keep thinking like this was because of a simple April Fools Joke, I just made a simple profile picture in a hexagon shape and me saying I'm partnered with Equestria NFT (You can already tell that's a joke based on the made up name) in the description was just me doing a stereotypical promotion with a link that leads to a Rick Ashley Music video. Because of this simple joke, gave birth to me pointed at as a scum NFT artist, and I lost friends from this too, they didn't know who to believe but chose to leave me anyways. If you are curious to the joke and what it is, please Click Here 

Anyways that's all, because of this shit happening it's really put me in a state where if I should even bother carrying on making content, it's really made me depressed and I feel like I'm fighting this battle on my own and losing people in the process. I just need time. Anyways I'm off, believe what you want do your own research, and come up with your own conclusion, I'm not forcing you guys to trust me. Goodbye for now.



You know I don't believe the bs about you making nft's. One joke =/= statement.