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The doctor got to talk to me about some stuff, asked me if I went through something like this before which I did back in 2016-2018 (Not frequently) I have had a panic attack twice but things were fine at least in 2019 and 2020 until now. 

And so it has been confirmed I had another, which makes sense as I forgot to say in my last post I had a shortness of breath and felt sick, and the heat didn't help either. They didn't mention anything about my heart so...that's good. Thanks for the overwhelming support <3 



Glad to hear your heart is okay Vani. Still, it isn't great you suffered a panic attack but at least it doesn't seem serious rn.


Tbh i've never had a panic attack, nor anyone close to me, so i have no idea on how serious that kind of condition is. Hope it isn't anything worrisome, still you should probably have a look on what possibly triggered it. Good luck on your recovery my dude! :)