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Evening everyone, hope you all are doing great, I'm somewhat fine, I just wanna aplogies for the lack of content, it really does make me feel bad for not doing as much for what you're paying for.

Currently there has been things going on with IRL and Soical Media, that being simps or trolls have been coming over to my Twitter and attacking me because I'm "copying" a certain content creator, it's been going on for almost a year ever since I collabed with this person and it's just gotten out of hand to the point I had to just disable my twitter for a week or so and had to seperate from the content creator they defend so much...I'm giving it a week or two before I think on what to do, I'm not stopping SFM, but I don't wanna deal with this again. Thankfully it's been quiet, I haven't had a single maessage from these types of people for awhile, so me being seperated from the person has stopped all the ruckus

As for now, I gotta do a clean install of Windows, for some reason it's bugging me about "Windows is not activated" all the time, I dunno why, since it's a life time thing, apprently a fresh install should sort that out so I'm backing up my stuff and when I'm done with a fresh install, I'm going to have to redownload SFM (Oh the joy XD), Photoshop and After Effects along with the plugins I use.


Logen Yocom

Well in either since, all of your stuff is great and hope stuff works out soon ^_^


Take it easy, Vani. We're here to support you as best we can.