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Beneath the crumbled remnants of the once-thriving city of Eredia, lies a place both haunting and hopeful: The Halls of Eternity. Once a symbol of grandeur and prosperity, Eredia now stands as a testament to the passage and the fall of a once mighty kingdom.

Within these hallowed halls, reside the only respite for those humans cursed with a form of undeath known as The Betrayed. Trapped in a never-ending existence that inexorably leads to madness, their haunted eyes hold tales of woe and despair, memories of lives unlived and dreams unrealised.

Those who seek relief from the eternal torment of their cursed existence willingly submit to the rituals of the priests. Ancient spells that ensconce the supplicant in a kind of stasis, suspending them between the realms of life and death, their suffering momentarily eased. A fleeting salve, while the wisest amongst The Betrayed channel their collective power in search of a cure.

Greetings, esteemed adventurers,

I am so pleased to unveil the inaugural chapter of our ambitious mega-dungeon venture: The Halls of Eternity!

As we delve into this month's thematic exploration of Tombs and Catacombs, prepare to immerse yourselves in a realm teeming with an otherworldly undead essence. With each floor of this labyrinthine domain serving a distinct purpose, our maiden segment centers around the haunting concept of Undead Ritual, where the very air pulses with the palpable energy of necrotic magic.

Devotees of our  Fallen Kingdom setting will be delighted to discover that The Halls of Eternity seamlessly intertwines with the intricate tapestry of lore we are meticulously weaving. For a more comprehensive insight into this captivating interplay, I invite you to join us on our Discord Server.


Free Download 

Initiate Mapmaker ($1)

Journeyman Surveyors ($3)

Master Cartographers ($5)

Find more maps here: Cartographer’s Archive List

On top of this release I have more good news….

One of your fellow patrons has just launched a kickstarter: Into the Veils, be sure to check it out and of course support if you can!

Click Here 

Into the Veils is an adventure path for Fifth Edition D&D that will take characters from 1st through 4th level.  It features hand drawn artwork from The Reclusive Cartographer, and The Forge Studio, along with many other fine artists, and combined with our talented writers, designers, and world builders, we are bringing you a refined and stylish adventure path that is fun to play and easy to run.


Give me a shout on Discord or in the comments below with any thoughts you have!

And if you're not a patron yet, now is the perfect time to sign up. As a patron, you'll not only get access to this map pack, but also to my full library of maps, as well as exclusive content, behind-the-scenes updates, and more. Plus, by supporting me on Patreon, you'll be helping me continue to create high-quality, useful resources for folks like you.

Thanks team!

George - The Reclusive Cartographer




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