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Hi team! 

Ahead of our next major release I have some bonus content for you, a free 46 page adventure!

As many of you will already know your fellow patron, Eldritch Press has been working tirelessly to put together the Maps & Monstrum Compendium, a compilation of 5th Edition adventures presented in an old-school style.

Among lots of awesome things it also contains a fair few licensed maps by your truely  :D.

It has just landed on Kickstarter so click here to check it out and claim your free version of The Cloudkissed Trail!

The Cloudkissed Trail

The Cloudkissed Trail, is series of 5th Edition side-quest adventures. Here we present three distinct adventures designed to be played sequentially, each forming a part of a larger journey, and together they form a complete adventure narrative.

These adventures are optimized for 4 characters of 7th-level, but can be played by a group of 3-6 characters of 5th-8th level.

This is the collaborative effort of ten creators and it represents the types of adventures you will find in the Maps & Monstrum Compendium, a compilation of 5th Edition adventures presented in an old-school style. MMC offers numerous full-length adventures that feature superb maps and artwork, new monsters, NPCs, factions, cities and settlements, magic items, spells, and more. It is available in digital, print, and VTT formats. MMC is live now on Kickstarter and backing it there offers a tremendous value to our backers.

46 pages

3 connected adventures

Interactive PDF with audio soundtracks

4 full color maps

4 new monsters

4 new magic items

Original artwork throughout


For this collab I have remastered two of my older maps:

Mountain Pass...

....and Campsite

I hope you enjoy the adventure and make sure to jump over to Kickstarter and show Eldritch Press some love!


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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