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Sending you all my love and good wishes over the holidays, I hope that wherever you are you get to spend some time over the next few days doing things that bring you happiness; Whether it’s visiting family or getting some alone time to play The Sims!

This time last year I’d started the process of moving out and was pretty overwhelmed by the whole idea. But here I am... back living in my favourite city!! I couldn’t have done it alone, so I thank everyone who inspired me to take the steps towards following my dreams. I am eternally grateful for the support and inspiration this community  provides. Thank you all for using my cc and allowing me to share what I love with the world, I look forward to what 2023 can bring for us all!!



P.S. - I've also attached the shopping bags I made for this Christmas Card! They are found in the Rings category and come in 5 swatches each. They don't work with hats due to the size of the texture and due to the size they cast quite a big shadow... but they might be fun for edits! x x



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