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Hey guys ! Happy Endwalker release !!

This post is for those who don't really pay attention to discord announcements since I announced a couple of things due to the release.

As you all know, the queue times have been pretty horrendous since early access and it is still a problem. The only times I can work are early in the morning at the moment. I mentioned that releases wouldn't be affected too much but so far it's looking like the opposite since the game has gotten so popular.

I have some WIPs to show that will be out before the 20th of december.

There will be 2 outfits - "At your service" which is the cute little maid outfit that still needs some fixes before I am ready to release and at least one more cute sort of thavnair-y style outfit. I hope you guys will enjoy !

As for hairstyles - There will be the hairstyles I didn't manage to port last month to their opposite gender and 2 new ones.

1. Princess will be ported to all male races, yes Male Viera as well.
2. Windy will also be ported to all males.
3. Warrior will be ported to all females.

Those 3 were last month's extras I didn't manage to finish before patch. Next are the brand new ones. I'm keeping one secret until it comes out but I know many of you will love it to bits.

1. Chai - Long flowy hairstyle for all females (+males asap)
2. Howl - Long and kinda messy for all males and females.

I'm very sorry that content has been slower these past 3 months. I didn't think about the congestion since it's never been that bad but i'll do my best to finish everything so I'm able to let you guys enjoy some good stuff. ♥ Anamnesis and CMtool aren't working and it's also not making things any easier to test haha but it's okay. We do it the old fashioned way !

I hope you guys managed to enjoy the MSQ and all that good content. If not, I hope you will very soon. ♥ Thank you all for your patience and understanding. Most modders will be slower due to those issues. 



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