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This new update has brought us so many good outfits! My survivor favorites so far are Yui's top and boots (the pants are polemic), Nea's punky set and this outfit for Feng. On another news, I'm having some internet problems so posting and being online is being a hassle, hopefully it will be fixed :(

I'm currently working on a big Claudette set that will be posted very soon, and preparing Pig/Amanda for next month new releases. Since Nea also got the same amount of votes, I will be working on her too, both of them will be next month's featured girls! What cosmetics would you like to see for them? I never realized that Amanda was such a gorgeous goth mommy under that Pig mask <3




Did bhvr use the likeness of the actress? Because she was very attractive in the movies. I really liked yui and megs tops, but megs dress for that outfit is so out of place for me.


The model is a different version, she doesn't look like the actress sadly :( I was also hoping she would look more like her because her features are so beautiful! But I think they just went for a generic female since she is using a mask most of the time. I was torn between using the dbd shape or the actress face, I guess I'll do a mix of both?


And I agree, Meg's skirt looks so strange, it's the same kind of skirt they made for that nice blue gala top, they really don't match xD


That Feng's outfit is perfect on Ormond. I think. And Yui skin is really cool.


Love all the new outfits and hope you can integrate some of Shawnee Smith’s likeness (Amanda Young’s Actress) into the Pigs face model. So glad she got her own tome and a sexy new outfit too. Good Work as always Antheia


Amazing. This update also made Lisa and Cybil much cooler to play with their new voices!


Yes! I still have to get used to the voices, I often play Lisa and she sounds so squeaky now haha But at least they gave the individual voices they deserve :D


I actually looked at Shawnee's photos for references, but since the BHVR model is so different, I was not sure what path to take in terms of facial features, they're completely different! But it seems like my sense was right and we all want to see an Amanda that looks more like the actress even if it's not the same as the DbD model. I'll keep this in mind, thank you for your input :D


Ahh this gave me ideas, I wish importing the DbD maps wasn't so troublesome or I'd do an small set of the winter outfits in Ormond :c I love the Yui top design and colors, I want to make renders of all of them!


You not so like a new Lisa's voice? This voice is so thin and high, even grunts of pain sounds like a music. What's wrong with me? At least Cybil new voice you like more, I hope so XD


WELL, it's not that I dislike it, but I'm a little stuck in my old ways and they made the voices a little... different from the original SH ones. I don't mind Lisa even though she's squeaky, it's kind of cute, but Cybil has such an smoker raspy voice now... xD The original ones had a soft, almost whispery feeling to them, but I understand that it's hard to get the same voice style for a new game. Specially since most players won't notice unless they've played the first game which is so old by now. I'm glad they have invested some work in updating them :D


If you feel an inspiration to complete this big-big work - people definitely enjoy this! Fans 100% forgot that old Kate's cute and cozy winter outfit with 2 ice axes, do you remember it? XD The outfit that the folks called Katy Croft. :)