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First, get excited because we've found yet another new local model to shoot with - meet Peyton: https://ibb.co/Ky5Hgh0 - she's here in Charleston and our first shoot with her is next week. 

A while back we did "mall wedgies" (you can find it by searching those terms) and while fun, it was indeed a bit challenging to make sure we didn't get caught. 

We can do more wedgies in stores, malls, grocery stores, etc...but two things to note: 1) The wedgies will be shorter. 2) They'll be pants on. We're not gonna risk pants down. Most of these stores have security cameras. 

Poll question: Would you like to see us do more public wedgies? 



Big fan of the grocery shopping wedgies(obviously do it really early or later so there’s not many people)


I think wedgies that are outside should be possible with pants off. Like the old wedgie babes videos in the park.


I voted yes but the only thing that would concern me is depending on where you shoot, if the girls have to wear masks I'm out


Honestly what's wrong with masks ? Are you one of those anti mask idiots who think you Run the country.


Peyton is beautiful. Can't wait for her to team up with Athena and the other girls.


the mask technically doesn't help anyway if u look it up so really u are in just as much risk either way but u believe wht u want

Alex Oh

Having one of the girls walk around the store with a bra connection would be fun


Please have one of the girls walking with a whaletail in a store/mall and then get her a wedgie. That would be amazing