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Ahoy there, me hearties!

Just shy of a year has passed since our last grand adventure, me fellow sailors! And once more, this Cap'n be summoning all ye brave souls to join me in this quest! 🥰

Our mission is clear, me hearties!: To share yer deepest wishes with this Captain, setting a course for our beloved journey, sailin' together through whatever storms and calms lie ahead!! Picture it – sailin' 'cross the vast skies, spot the hidden treasures amongst the clouds, all for the good of the entire crew!

So gather 'round, me mateys! And let's set sail on this new chapter of our story 😍😍😍! 

Onward we go, me gorgeous and handsome sailors!!!

✨Take me to the Survey!

PS. I've heard that certain BG3 ladies and some interesting CR smut are raising the temperature around! Worry not, this Cap'n got you covered




Left what I feel is some fairly critical thoughts and feedback. Hope you are doing well and see that I only have the best intentions for you and this entire patreon with them :)

Licorice Lain

I am going with bigger animations for my suggestion. It may lead to some sour grapes over certain characters getting neglected, but I think the trade off will be worth it.


Thank you so much, me hearty! Every critique is a chance to improve so I truly appreciate it!! 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you, me hearty! It honestly sounds like a great chance to try new and fresher things!!